RCMP seeks tips on rural break-in suspect
Burglary occurred in Fredericksburg, north of Fredericton, afternoon of Feb. 24, say police
The Mounties released a photo Wednesday of a suspect they’re hoping to identify in connection with a break-in and theft at a rural residence late last month.
The Keswick detachment of the RCMP issued a news release Wednesday morning about a Feb. 24 incident in Fredericksburg, about 40 kilometres north of Fredericton.

It said officers are investigating a break, enter, and theft in that rural community.
“The theft is believed to have occurred on Feb. 24, 2025, between 3 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., at a residence on Fredericksburg Road in Fredericksburg,” the release said, noting the residence was unoccupied at the time of the offence.
“A number of items were stolen and have since been recovered.”
An image of a suspect was caught on surveillance footage, and the RCMP released it, hoping members of the public can identify him.
The male suspect is described as being about six feet (183 centimetres) tall and was wearing a green winter jacket and a toque at the time.
Anyone who witnessed suspicious activity or who has information that could aid the investigation is urged to call the Keswick detachment at 506-357-4300.
Those wishing to provide information anonymously can do so through Crime Stoppers by calling 1-800-222-TIPS (8477), downloading the secure P3 Mobile App or visiting Secure Web Tips online at www.crimenb.ca.
The Fredericton Independent can be reached by email here.
Pretty clear picture for a change.
He’s been identified and reported to RCMP a week ago.